Aug 31, 2021
Join us in part 2 of the Bay Area SAA/COSA Quarterly Speaker meeting as Kerry M. shares her experience, strength and hope with 19 years in COSA.
COSA website:
To find meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area, be sure to visit:
Aug 26, 2021
Join us in this episode as Jeannie O., the first woman in SAA shares about her experience, strength & hope and forty years of sobriety at the Bay Area SAA/COSA Quarterly Speaker meeting.
Links for this episode:
SAA Women's Intergroup resource site:
Group Guide (group inventory on p.35):
Aug 11, 2021
Step One: We admitted we were powerless over addictive sexual behavior - that our lives had become unmanageable. Join us in this special episode and experience what it’s like being in a meeting as Ry shares his First Step Presentation.
Be sure to reach us via email:
If you...
Aug 1, 2021
Join us this week as Jason talks about re-connecting with a Higher Power after being overwhelmed with work, life and uploading the podcast to YouTube.
Bay Area SAA YouTube Channel:
SARPodcast YouTube Playlist: